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May I ask you a question?

What is the best/worst thing that has ever happened to you?

There was a time in my life when I was lost and empty because I did not know where I would go when I would die. If there was a heaven, I was not sure I could go because I had sinned — like telling lies, stealing coins from my parents, cheating on the exams, etc. Sometimes I did not have peace especially when difficult circumstances crowded into my life. Then God led me through my neighbor to a congregation which taught what the Tanakh says about the Jewish Messiah. There, I found Jesus who loves us so much, He died as our Passover lamb, an atonement (a payment) for our sin; incredibly he rose from the dead according to the Scriptures. Jesus is the Jewish Messiah and the Son of God.
God is calling you. He wants to forgive your sin but you must believe and receive him. Are you willing to believe in Jesus? When we believe in Jesus, we make a decision to leave our way, and ask Him to come into our lives. We trust that based on His sacrifice; God will accept us. Are you willing to receive Jesus? If you are willing to receive Jesus as your atonement, why don’t you pray this prayer after me?
God, I know that I have sinned against you and I want to turn from my sins. I believe that you provided Jesus as an atonement (a payment) for me. With this prayer, I receive Jesus as my Savior and my Lord. Thank you, God, for cleansing me of sin and for sealing my name in your Book of Life forever. Amen!
If you prayed that prayer to receive Jesus as your Savior and your Lord, please leave your name, address and telephone number so I can get in touch with you.
If you were not willing to say, “yes” to Jesus, if I were to send you some information about Jesus, would you read it and consider whether it might be true?

May God peace be with you all !


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