the end times - are you ready?

“We have been told that this will be a time of unprecedented danger. It is 90 seconds to midnight.” In January 2024, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists [1] left the hands of the Doomsday Clock unchanged at 90 seconds to midnight—the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been! The Doomsday Clock is a symbol that represents a human-made global catastrophe. It is a human-made metaphor to warn mankind. However, do you know that various prophets mentioned another Doomsday Clock?

A few thousand years ago, our prophets Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Joel, etc. prophesied with a series of apocalyptic visions and prophetic insights into the future. The core of these books in the Bible unfolds significant events and judgments at the End Times, including intense warfare, famines, celestial woes, unnatural phenomena in the land, sea, and sky, pandemics, persecutions, tribulations, and the sudden and great disappearance of Bible believers in the world. Amidst these apocalyptic events, there are several significant figures to dominate this world’s inhabitants, leading to the ultimate destruction.

The climax of these events unfolds the final war of Armageddon: all nations with evil forces will attack Israel on the Day of Judgment. On that day, the Jewish Messiah [2], according to the prophet Isaiah in chapter 53, will return with believers to the Mount of Olives, bringing salvation and victory, according to the prophet Zechariah in chapter 14.

The purpose of this website is to disclose, with a series of warnings, the imminence of these End Times events and the need for preparation. 

The world is counting down towards its end; however, eternal peace and joy will follow. We had better be ready, or we will be doomed! So, are you ready?

Let’s explore the dangers we are facing currently that will foreshadow the prophesied End Times.

The dangers we are facing currently

Nowadays, most of us think that this world is becoming chaotic and falling apart. Some disasters reached catastrophic levels. Are these signs to warn us that the End Times will come soon?
  • Natural disasters
  • Celestrial signs
  • More wars

What happens in the prophesied end times

With hundreds of prophecies that have been fulfilled in the past, it is reasonable to believe that what God warned us about in the end times will be fulfilled in the near future as well.

  • Catastrophe in the present vs Catastrophe in the End Times
  • How long does the End Times last?
  • What will happen in the seven-year period of End Times?

How to be ready

The doomsday clock is counting down, and time is limited. If you do believe these events will be coming, you may ask: How can we prepare for them?

  • Be salvation ready
  • Be spiritually ready
  • Be rapture ready

Reference: [1]

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